to write. but i love it. This explained why writing was sometimes so difficult and other times so easy.
So, there were the facts; all that remained was to anslate them into action. As a first step I took a walk in the downtown disict, dressed in my very best. I left my car with the engi. e running, parked so that I could have been a mile away in 60 seconds! Probably every body "read" me, but at least I knew I had guts enough for the next step. I'd been out in the car often, but to walk among people who knew me was new and frightening and proved something to me.
The next step was for my brother to lunch with Sus- anna's brother and that wasn't frightening at all! I could not have picked a finer person to consult, and went home walking on air. With my only child safely married and a thousand miles away, the time was ripe to tell my brother's wife what she had married 25 years before. So- unds easy? It took three weeks of false starts to speak the simple sentence I had composed! Somewhere I read this "You make your whole life into a little roll - and then you shoot the roll". I did and won, I've learned since that it was not on my own merits, but because of her love for my brother, that she decided to be tolerant.
Tolerance, in this case, hardly conveys the picture In a few weeks she started buying me clothes; in a few months, making them. This was, I'm afraid, partly a tribute to what an eye-sore I was dressed in the garments I'd selected on my own! At any rate, I began to have some standards, and learned much that I'd never guessed about such arts as sitting, walking and smoking (lady- style). While my dear sister-in-law has indicated that someone develops a selective poision that only kflls TV sisters, I'll get one of the first doses, I think she is be- ginning to have some respect for my willingness to im-
So there you have me a reformed witch, if I may be a bit figurative. However; unlike the unfortunate Susan of "Bell, Book and Candle", I did not lose every- thing; my spells still work (if I use plenty of strontium -90) and where her cat Pyewacket deserted her, black cats come all the way across the Hudson to see how I get away with it,